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Rock'n Coke FORUM : Rock'n Coke
Konu Konu: Would you rather sleep with a sex doll? Yanıt YazYeni Konu Gönder
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Lucy Chow
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Kayıt Tarihi: 2023-22-Kasim
Ülke: Aruba
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 1
Gönderen: 2023-22-Kasim Saat 13:46 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı Lucy Chow

That's a good question. Many people buy a sex doll for
sexual needs, but there are also a small number of people
who buy it for emotional companionship. Many years ago,
an old Japanese man spent a lot of money to customize and
buy a sex doll for his wife, because his wife has passed
away a lot, and his inner emotions are very empty, just
when tifa came into his field of vision, he helped Tifa
dress up, eat together, and sleep together.

Faced with such a situation, we have to say that sex
dolls cheap can change people's lives

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My best friend milf sex doll , I'll always be there for her.
Yukarı Dön Göster Lucy Chow's Özellikler Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: Lucy Chow Ziyaret Lucy Chow's Ana Sayfa

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