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Konu Konu: How to Pass Ball at NBA 2K21 - Jump ball Yanıt YazYeni Konu Gönder
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Kayıt Tarihi: 2021-18-Agustos
Ülke: Banglades
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 70
Gönderen: 2021-08-Eylül Saat 06:40 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı kelchyjzzyger

How does NBA2K22 pass? The opening jump ball should be
taken down as much as possible, so you have to send a
high center to compete for the high jump. The following
is the sharing of NBA2K22 passing skills that come from Friends who need it may wish to go in and
take a look.
Jump ball
Take the opening jump ball as much as possible, so you
have to send a high center to compete for the high jump.
After all, the center's jumping power and flexibility are
better. If there is a small forward with excellent
physical fitness in the team, you can also send him to
participate jump ball.
- The technical content of the jump ball itself is low.
When the referee throws the basketball the next moment,
you immediately press the ④ key to jump, and you will
have a higher chance of winning the ball. The key to
winning the ball is to see when the two teams compete for
the jump ball (the faster player has the advantage) and
the jumping power.- After winning the ball, transfer to
the frontcourt as soon as possible. After all, the
opening is mainly to try the hand, so there is no need to
be afraid.
"Out of bounds, out of bounds, or out of bounds," the
apparent success rate of this generation of Alley-oop has
been lowered. In the previous version of 2K17, as long as
our catcher ran to the basket and was about 50cm away
from the opposing defender. They could successfully catch
the ball. But the 2K18 Alley-oop is more demanding.
- First of all, there is still not much regulation for
passers. As long as it passes the midfield, click the ④
button twice in succession to throw an accurate Alley-oop
pass.- As for the catcher, he needs to get rid of defense
at least 100cm. At this time, it is a test of the
player's eyesight. If he is unsure, he passes the ball
out. If he is lucky, the ball is out of the baseline. If
he is unlucky, he passes directly to the opponent's
defensive player.- Therefore, at the moment of passing,
you should not only consider the distance between the
receiving player and the opposing player but also pay
attention not to appear more than 1 opponent defensive
player on the passing route.- Now, the ball has passed,
and the catcher has got the Ball, but the catcher may not
be able to dunk immediately unless he is very close to
the rim when he catches the ball. If you can't quickly
dunk, layup, etc., you have to treat this Alley-oop as a
pure air pass, and then make a new round of attack.
To boost your momentum, the author recommends that you
launch an Alley-oop in a fast attack with less play and
more. This kind of dunk viewing is very high, and there
must be a slow mirror playback, which can encourage
yourself and give your opponent an Under the Mawei, why
not do it.
Boundary ball
After a timeout, non-penalty foul, or ball out of bounds,
you will get a backcourt ball or a boundary ball. If the
boundary ball is played in your own half, the opponent
will not step forward to intercept unless the opponent
implements a tight tactic.
- If the boundary ball is performed in the opponent's
half, the opponent will inevitably press.- At this time,
you need to control the receiving player to bypass the
defensive player, go to the empty position, and then
press the ② key to ask the teammate to pass the boundary
ball. Remember that this process is only 5 seconds. If
the time is exceeded, the ball will be owned by the
opponent.- When the score difference is 2 or 3 points to
kill the opponent, the opponent may take the initiative
to knock your basketball out of bounds, causing your
offensive momentum to be interrupted. At this time, if
you can receive a boundary ball, please do not hesitate
to run to a favorable position for a three-point long
shot, this may become your winning goal.
The world is also scattered in various kingdoms, regions,
and towns. Each part will propose some monsters, assets,
and tasks to mark the gameplay and increase excitement
and complexity. Players can take a vacation from a
specific place through various techniques such as
walking, constitutional spaceship, or magic. The
reputation of NBA 2K22 has a far-reaching impact, having
exceeded 50% of what it was ten years ago, and the gaming
equipment has been modified to meet the growing demand
for modern technology in video games. The beta format is
open to paying subscribers. A version of NBA 2K22 was
rebuilt, which happened to be identified as NBA 2K22 and
was fully announced in 2015 to compensate players. NBA
2K22 can be a video game based entirely on local
communities and can add consistent themes. It is indeed
considered one of the latest variants of NBA 2K22 and is
recognized as being able to meet the growing needs of
retro video game fans. The fantasy field of NBA 2K22 is
unique and unparalleled, but the problem you have to say
is that players' supremacy is indeed a consumption of
sufficient funds. With the low-cost NBA 2K22 MT, players
can confirm almost everything they want, while also
easily set up the daily life of the virtual character.
Yukarı Dön Göster kelchyjzzyger's Özellikler Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: kelchyjzzyger Ziyaret kelchyjzzyger's Ana Sayfa
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Kayıt Tarihi: 2020-28-Nisan
Ülke: Banglades
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 5
Gönderen: 2022-22-Temmuz Saat 08:06 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı CSCCA

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Yukarı Dön Göster CSCCA's Özellikler Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: CSCCA
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Kayıt Tarihi: 2024-25-Haziran
Aktif Durum: Pasif
Gönderilenler: 35
Gönderen: 2024-27-Haziran Saat 03:58 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı kdjcesarwasserm

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